
Showing posts from March, 2017

How to Prepare for Technical Interviews

"Hard training makes for an easy battle" Many years ago when I worked at Google, I would share a blog post created by Steve Yegge that was for candidates to help them prepare for their interviews. If you have not read it, go read it. If you have, go read it again.  The tips Yegge lists are very good for any interviewee.  I have paraphrased parts of these posts and added some more context below: Resume: The objective of the resume is to get the recruiter / hiring manager on the phone.   We are eager to know all of your past accomplishments, but believe it can be presented on one page. Straightforward facts and consolidated bullet points on a resume are easiest to read and sure to capture a recruiter’s attention. We love social media and the various technologies that allow us to research prospective employees. Include links to your github, linkedin, twitter, blog etc. Skills on your resume are fair game. If your resume says "

Sourcing Github for Technical Talent - great boolean tips!

GitHub, the world's leading software development platform, is a vibrant community where developers collaborate and share their code. It offers an extensive network of developers and repositories, making it a treasure trove for technical recruiters and sourcers. By harnessing the power of specific search queries, recruiters can tap into this vast network to discover talented individuals, resumes, organizations, and personal pages. GitHub not only aids in identifying potential candidates but also enhances recruiters' effectiveness by providing valuable insights into the skills and requirements of the roles they aim to fill. In this article, we'll explore powerful search queries and strategies to leverage the full potential of GitHub as a valuable sourcing tool. To effectively utilize GitHub for sourcing, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the specific role or skills you are targeting. GitHub is not the place for traditional "title" recruiters/sourcers.

Recruiting Links and Tools

Update 3/21/17 - please note Ill continue expanding this list! Tools: Text Expander - TextExpander lets you instantly insert snippets of text from a repository of emails, boilerplate and other content, as you type – using a quick search or abbreviation. Rapportive- Rapportive shows you everything about your contacts right in your inbox. Textio - Textio users recruit better qualified, more diverse talent—and they get it done faster. Coderpad - CoderPad helps you interview your candidates in an intuitive live programming environment RecruiterHunt - Links: Ideas for interview questions: Side note, my favorite question to ask candidates: "is there anything missing in your current job that you are looking for in your next job?" Product Manager questions: http: