Reference Check Overview


Introduce yourself, your role, the company and why you are seeking a reference for [Candidate's Name].

Reference Check Questions

  • In what capacity did you work with [Candidate's Name], and how familiar are you with their work
  • Could you please outline the candidate's responsibilities during their time in this position?
  • Is there any additional information about [Candidate's Name] that we should be aware of to ensure their success? Furthermore, do you have any advice for their potential new manager?
  • Are there any areas where you believe [Candidate's Name] could improve?
  • How would you rank [Candidate's Name] in comparison to other employees who have held the same position?
  • If given the opportunity, would you hire [Candidate's Name] again? 
Additionally, questions for further insights:
  • Did [Candidate's Name] work best on their own, as a lead, or within a group of people?
  • Did [Candidate's Name] appear satisfied with their work? Which types of projects seemed to satisfy or excite them, and were there any that didn't? What do you believe motivates [Candidate's Name]
  • Throughout your interactions with [Candidate's Name], did you uncover any qualities or characteristics that were not evident during the interview process?
  • Can you provide an example of a situation where [Candidate's Name] took the initiative to improve or take ownership of something beyond their assigned responsibilities?
  • How would you describe the experience of engaging in technical debates with [Candidate's Name]? Did these debates occur frequently? Were there any technical aspects or topics where [Candidate's Name] was willing to compromise and others where they were not?
  • Have you ever provided [Candidate's Name] with critical feedback? If so, how did they accept and incorporate professional feedback?
  • Did other team members seek out [Candidate's Name] for mentorship or guidance?
  • To what extent did [Candidate's Name] require direction on projects? Did they demonstrate the ability to work effectively without significant guidance?
Wrap Up

Thank you once again for your time and valuable insights. Your input will greatly contribute to our decision-making process. Should you have any additional comments or information that you believe would be helpful, please feel free to share them.

Reference Check Email 

Note: less ideal than a convo but use in a pinch. 

Dear [Referrer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I want to express my gratitude for taking the time to speak with me regarding [Candidate's Name]. I work at [Company Name], and we recently interviewed [Candidate's Name] for the position of [Position Applied For]. Before extending an offer to them, we would like to gather additional insights into their background and work experience.

To provide you with some context, [Company Name] is a [briefly describe the company's background and industry]. As for the position [Candidate's Name] applied for, it is a [briefly describe the responsibilities and role of the position]. At this stage, we are strongly considering making an offer to [Candidate's Name], but we value your perspective to ensure that it aligns with our assessment.

Below, you will find a set of questions we would appreciate your input on:

  • In what capacity did you work with [Candidate's Name], and how familiar are you with their work?
  • Could you please outline the candidate's responsibilities during their time in this position?
  • Is there any additional information about [Candidate's Name] that we should be aware of to ensure their success? Furthermore, do you have any advice for their potential new manager?
  • Are there any areas where you believe [Candidate's Name] could improve?
  • How would you rank [Candidate's Name] in comparison to other employees who have held the same position?
  • If given the opportunity, would you hire [Candidate's Name] again?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!


